Novel by: Paul M Bowman. Ferndale: Amnity 2001.
The book "Nakedness and the Bible" does not assert to be a defense of naturism; it only promises to be an explanation of what the Bible says on either side of the issue. For some time, folks have used the Bible in a effort to say that naturism is outside God's law and must not be practiced by Christians. Various individuals within the nudist movement have praised the book including Like them, I add my approval to the work.
The writer, Paul M. Bowman, mentions the accounts of what's termed the fall of man, when Adam and Eve determined to willfully disobey God and sin. that I have with this book is that is does not address Adam and Eve as though they were real folks.
Since the Bible and its connection to nudity are being discussed here, we're going to suppose that the Bible is a true document.
He deals with the way the nudity has been dealt with throughout the history of the church, yet the writer writes that the anti-nudity message the church has now been due to a consequence of the 400 years of an anti-sexual message.
When the Bible is examined for what it needs to say about the body a clear message is sent about it being pro-nudity, if it must be termed that, because nakedness was not an issue for them as it's for us today. got baths in the river and rent their clothing as an indication of grief; that was what they did. The decision that this writer accomplishes is that whenever nakedness is revealed as sinful, another sin is present (that clarifies Noah, Lot, David etc.).
In fact, the author even says that public nudity or nakedness is fine by God, due to the fact that God commanded Isaiah to go nude. (Isa 20:2) That entirely ruins the shame argument. click mandated garments for the priests while in the act of worship. (Exo 28:40-3).
What you can learn by reading the book is that there are not many direct references to nakedness in the New Testament; Matthew 25 is one of them. Jesus is talking about having enough clothes to make that choice whether or not to wear clothing. In Romans 8, verses 38-9, nakedness is located among other states of existence and the circumstance is dealing with things that can divide us from the love of God.
The most fascinating part of the publication was where the author coped with verses that Christians attempt to apply to nakedness like 1Thes 5:22, causing another to stumble and 1 Timothy 2:9.
One thing that amazed me was when the writer mentioned how garments continues to be associated with shame just as nudity has been generally described while giving numerous Bible verses to support his assertion. In the long run, I find this novel to be a fascinating read that allows naturists to be able to support their beliefs and rest in the fact that we can give an answer for the hope that we have.
Young Naturists And Naturists America FKK
Classification: Nudist Books and Naturist Publications, Faith and Nudity, Social Nudity Blogs
About the Author (Author Profile)
Jordan Blum is a lifelong nudie and co-founder of Naturist Portal.