private (with private parts); thus the strictures of contexts which code and
blurring between the bounds of sexuality and nakedness, the encroachment
of signications belonging to 'sexually nude' contexts into sites of non-sexual
nudity, signals an increasing cultural consciousness of the instabilities of circumstance
and signication.
the public sphere in recent decades in terms of the normal and abnormal -- constantly
within special limits, and educated nally by the cultural injunction of the
hetero/homo binary and its variants and borders -- they've become banal
and dull matters, no longer websites for concern and cultural craze or spec-
tacle. What replaces it as spectacular, subsequently, isn't public nudity by any means, but
the struggle over signication under the dysfunction of circumstance. , as
I'll go on to show, occurs at the very personal level, since nakedness per se has
been deemed a very personal thing, but at its most important it relates to the
ways in which the performative issue acts and behaves in relation to the gaze,
and the problems that happen when the rituals that constrain both the body and
the gazer become shaky.
Revealing and Showering --
The site of the communal or public shower might be falling in use, but it has
practices of the gaze.
confessional -- by virtue of the disclosure of an 'internal' image of the body barren of
of the signications of clothes and variously encoded otherwise in terms of
musculature, genitalia shapes and sizes, torsos and breasts, skills, skin colour-
ing, suntan or sun exposure and so on. As an effect of the gaze and the variations on
the imaged body, this is a site of area -- the compulsion to create a body
that appears 'in treaty' with unique codes and traditions and behaves in
Special ways. And similarly it's the site of a disciplined gaze -- a gaze that's
allegedly without interest in the sexual, a gaze that's performed as a glimpse, or
an affronting lack-of-interest, a peek or a non-prying glance.
horny nude grannies on the beach is no coincidence that the frame of the communal shower works in
Link with disciplinary associations such as schools, gymnasiums, athletic facili-
focus of examination cultivates not only the bodies on display and their aspects,
Skills and motions, but how the body in this type of circumstance is played out and
looked upon. Nakedness in the shower or locker room allows an extremity of
development, its properties and peculiarities, all without the various signications
of clothes (wealth, status, group afliation, etc.). In this sense, then, the 'sort'
of nakedness -- non-sexual -- and the 'type' of gazing that occurs is produced in
The Naked Matter
Page 7
and through the context of the showers by ritual and tradition.
is relegated to other frames, and a transgression of the circumstance results in punish-
Kramer attempts to learn techniques to reduce his time showering by examining
-- and taking notes on -- men showering at his local health club. When his opinions are
Incorrectly understood to indicate sexual gazing, he's attacked, appearing in a
later scene bruised and sporting a black eye. The irony here is that in truly being a site
which heavily polices against sexuality and the erotic gaze, it becomes a highly
sexual site, demanding additionally and more severe policing.
As importantly, the site and its policing against sexuality is entwined in the
contemporary cultural binary system of gender. Apart from some very specic
and special formations, communal showers which support gazing at the naked
bodies of others are masculine- and feminine-exclusive. Culturally, such sites are
Tremendously 'safeguarded' from a transgressive invasion by sexes which have no legiti-
Dozens of 'teen sex' lms, such as Revenge of the Nerds
(1984), depict a carnivalesque transgression of the women's showers by man
college students, nearly constantly for sexual purposes (of both the fratboys and of
the audience). As a means of keeping the shower website non sexual, the separation
of genders works wholly in the terms of Butler's 'heterosexual matrix' in which
the compulsory, illusional arrangement of sex/gender/want codes sexuality as the
natural desirous attraction just ever to the sex-which-one-is-not (Butler,